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Jody Vitek

Maybe living her own romance story is what inspired Jody Vitek to write romance novels, because it was never her dream to become a writer. Reading has always been one of the things she loves to do in her downtime. Travels across the US, Cancun, and the Bahamas have inspired her stories. She resides in Minnesota with her three children, Holly the cat, and Totty the dog. She is the author of the Texas Girlfriends Series.

Recent & Notable Works

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Food and Romance Go Together, Vol. 2 (Satin Romance, 2017)

Food and Romance Go Together, Vol. 1 (Satin Romance, 2017)

Taming the Texas Beauty, Texas Girlfriends, Book 3 (Satin Romance, 2016)

Festivals of Love Anthology (Midwest Fiction Writers, 2016)

Up Close and Personal (Satin Romance, 2015)

Texas Two Step, Texas Girlfriends, Book 2 (Satin Romance, 2014)

Love in the Land of Lakes Anthology (Midwest Fiction Writers, 2013)

Florida Heat, Texas Girlfriends, Book 1 (Satin Romance, 2013)

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