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Teresa Wilhelm Waldof

Teresa Waldof is the world’s leading expert on the Ames Project section of the Manhattan Project. Her book, Wilhelm’s Way: The Inspiring Story of the Iowa Chemist Who Saved the Manhattan Project, was winner of the 2023 Minnesota Book Award for General Nonfiction. An expert in building collaborative, high-performance teams, Waldof is a dynamic speaker who has been an invited lecturer for the US Dept. of Energy, Iowa State University, World Nuclear Energy Day, National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, among others. She has authored numerous articles for magazines and newsletters and has been featured in the Ames Tribune and Rochester Post Bulletin. A skilled interviewer and writer, Waldof delivers content that engages readers while also informing them.

Recent & Notable Works

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Wilhelm’s Way: The Inspiring Story of the Iowa Chemist Who Saved the Manhattan Project (Third Generation Publishing, 2022)

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