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Michael MacBride

Originally from Michigan, Michael MacBride now calls Minnesota home. He has delivered newspapers, worked for UPS, delivered pizzas, done collections at a bank, was a roadie for a country band, and was a grant-writer and funder-researcher for non-profits. He also taught English, Literature, and Humanities courses at universities and colleges in Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Illinois, and held a few other jobs in between.

Recent & Notable Works

MacBride-M_cover_2022-2024 cover art 4 books


The Life and Times of SKAborough Fair, Michigan Chronicles (Self-published, 2022)

Lies From Beechwood Drive, Michigan Chronicles (Self-published, 2021)

Voyager (Self-published, 2020)

Bidding Wars (Self-published, 2020)

Emergency Preparedness and other stories (Self-published, 2020)

The Thompson Twins Series (Self-published)
Mystery at the Zoo, with Heidi Wall Burns (2022)
Mystery at the Mansion, with Heidi Wall Burns (2021)
Mystery at the Comic Shop, with Heidi Wall Burns (2021)
The case of The Missing Beaver Teeth, with Heidi Wall Burns (2020)

“I’m just a comic book boy”: Essays on the Intersection of Comics and Punk, with Christopher B. Field, Keegan Lannon, and Christopher C. Douglas (McFarland & Company, Inc., 2019)

Tell Me a Story: Using Narratives to Break Down Barriers in Composition Courses, with Anthony Tate Fulton and Christopher B. Field (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017)

Intellectual Creativity in First-Year Composition Classes: Building a Case for the Multigenre Research Project, with Heidi Wall Burns (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016)

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