Search Results

Michelle S. Phelps
Michelle S. Phelps is Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Minnesota. Her research is in the sociology of punishment, focusing in...

Sonja Trom Eayrs
Sonja Trom Eayrs, author of Dodge County, Incorporated: Big Ag and the Undoing of Rural America, is a farmer’s daughter, rural advocate, and attorney....

Cheyenne Wilson
Cheyenne Wilson, BSN, founder of We are the Evidence, is on a mission to raise awareness about the reality of sexual assault, eliminate the...

Mubanga Kalimamukwento
Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a Zambian lawyer, writer, and editor. She is the author of Shipikisha, Another Mother Does Not Come When Yours Dies: Poems,...

David Nash
David Nash is an author and singer songwriter known for his warm, rhythmic, and heartfelt style. He plays in and around the Driftless Region...

Sarah Ghazal Ali
Sarah Ghazal Ali is a Pakistani American writer. She is the author of the poetry collection Theophanies, winner of the GLCA New Writers Award...

Lindsay Starck
Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. She is the author of the novels Noah's Wife and Monsters...

Jayna Locke
Jayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary...
Holly Day
Holly Day has worked as a freelance writer for over 30 years, with more than 7,000 published articles, poems, and short stories and 40 books and chapbooks, including the nonfiction books Music Theory for Dummies, Music Composition for Dummies, Walking Twin Cities, Stillwater Minnesota: A Brief History, and History Lover’s Guide to Minneapolis. Her work…
Read More Barbara Deese
Barbara Deese is the author of the No Ordinary Women mystery series, set mostly in Minnesota and featuring five book club women, all mystery lovers, who keep finding themselves up to their bifocals in real-life mysteries to solve. Two of Deese’s short stories have been published in mystery anthologies. Her early interest in crime (on…
Read More Donna Sidwell DeGracia
Donna Sidwell DeGracia is a physician assistant and an educator whose life and work have taken her from distant corners of the globe to intimate conversations about aspects of life that patients may not have shared with anyone else. Sometimes it is her own experiences as a patient, or as one acculturating to a new…
Read More James Densley
Dr. James Densley is Professor of Criminal Justice at Metro State University and co-founder of The Violence Project Research Center, best known for its work on gun violence prevention. Densley has received global media attention for his work on gangs, criminal networks, violence, and policing. He is the author or co-author of seven books, including…
Read More Mary DesJarlais
Mary DesJarlais is the author of two fiction novels, The Cutter’s Widow and Dorie LaValle. She lives and works in Saint Paul.
Read More Tony Dierckins
Tony Dierckins, Duluth author and Saint Paul native, has written or co-written more than two dozen books. His regional history books include Crossing the Canal: An Illustrated History of Duluth’s Aerial Bridge and Lost Duluth: Landmarks, Industries, Buildings, Homes, and the Neighborhoods in Which They Stood (both finalists for the Minnesota Book Award). His work…
Read More Atina Diffley
Atina Diffley is an organic farmer-educator and author of the 2012 award-winning memoir, Turn Here Sweet Corn: Organic Farming Works. From 1985 to 2008, she and her husband Martin ran an urban-edge, organic vegetable farm. In 1989, the 5th-generation Diffley family land was lost to suburban development. They started over on new land, but faced…
Read More Scott Dikkers
Scott Dikkers founded and co-wrote its bestselling books. Widely regarded as one of the most influential pioneers in comedy, his visionary leadership at The Onion, his groundbreaking comic strip Jim’s Journal, and his multiple top-10 comedy podcasts have earned him millions of fans all over the world. Rolling Stone named him one of its…
Read More Carol Dines
Carol Dines’s new young adult novel, The Take-Over Friend, is a finalist for the Achevan Prize. Her recent adult fiction, a collection of stories, This Distance We Call Love, won the Eric Hoffer Book Prize in 2022 and was a finalist in the National Indies Excellence Award for short fiction. In addition, her stories have…
Read More Beth Dooley
Beth Dooley has been writing about the Northern Heartland for over 20 years. She is the author of six books, including Minnesota Book Award finalist In Winter’s Kitchen. Her column, “Seasonal Kitchen,” appears weekly in the Star Tribune, and she contributes regularly to Minnesota Public Radio’s “Appetites.” Dooley is the co-author with Sean Sherman of…
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