Search Results

Michelle S. Phelps
Michelle S. Phelps is Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Minnesota. Her research is in the sociology of punishment, focusing in...

Jenna Miller
Jenna Miller (she/her) writes Young Adult books about fat, queer, nerdy girls who deserve to be seen and have their voices heard. When she’s...

Sonja Trom Eayrs
Sonja Trom Eayrs, author of Dodge County, Incorporated: Big Ag and the Undoing of Rural America, is a farmer’s daughter, rural advocate, and attorney....

Cheyenne Wilson
Cheyenne Wilson, BSN, founder of We are the Evidence, is on a mission to raise awareness about the reality of sexual assault, eliminate the...

Mubanga Kalimamukwento
Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a Zambian lawyer, writer, and editor. She is the author of Shipikisha, Another Mother Does Not Come When Yours Dies: Poems,...

David Nash
David Nash is an author and singer songwriter known for his warm, rhythmic, and heartfelt style. He plays in and around the Driftless Region...

Sarah Ghazal Ali
Sarah Ghazal Ali is a Pakistani American writer. She is the author of the poetry collection Theophanies, winner of the GLCA New Writers Award...

Lindsay Starck
Lindsay Starck was born in Wisconsin and raised in the Milwaukee Public Library. She is the author of the novels Noah's Wife and Monsters...
Brian Freeman
Brian Freeman is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 20 psychological thrillers, including the Duluth-based Jonathan Stride series. His novel Spilled Blood won the award for Best Hardcover Novel in the Thriller Awards, and his Midwestern mystery The Deep, Deep Snow was a 2021 Minnesota Book Award winner and…
Read More Michael Fridgen
Michael Fridgen loves theme parks, Dolly Parton, baking, Christmas, and playing the piano. His guidebook, Dollywood and Beyond, attained the top spot on Amazon’s list of bestselling books about theme parks, as did his World Traveler’s Guide to Disney. A former elementary school teacher, Fridgen began writing full-time after his first novel, Ruth3:5, was named…
Read More Julie Gard
Julie Gard’s prose poetry collections include Scrap: On Louise Nevelson and Home Studies, which was a finalist for a 2016 Minnesota Book Award. Her chapbooks are Obscura: The Daguerreotype Series and Russia in 17 Objects. Gard’s poems, stories, and essays have appeared in Gertrude, Fourth River, Clackamas Literary Review, Crab Orchard Review, Ekphrasis, and Blackbox…
Read More Shannon Gibney
Shannon Gibney is a writer, educator, activist, and the author of See No Color, a young adult novel that won the 2016 Minnesota Book Award in Young Peoples’ Literature. Gibney is faculty in English at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, where she teaches critical and creative writing, journalism, and African Diasporic topics. A Bush Artist…
Read More Dobby Gibson
Dobby Gibson is the author of Polar, which won the Alice James Award, Skirmish, and It Becomes You, which was shortlisted for the Believer Poetry Award. All three books were finalists for the Minnesota Book Award. Gibson’s poems and essays have appeared in American Poets, American Poetry Review, Conduit, Denver Quarterly, Fence, Gulf Coast, Iowa Review, jubilat, New England Review, and Ploughshares,…
Read More Nate Granzow
Nate Granzow — outdoorsman, award-winning novelist, and editor — likes the smell of gunpowder, the taste of gin, and the feel of leather-bound books. He won the Clive Cussler Adventure Writer’s Competition in 2017 for his book The Phaistos Paragon, a 2019 Best Independent Book Award for Zimbabwe Hustle, and was a finalist for a…
Read More Torrin Greathouse
torrin a. greathouse is a transgender cripple-punk, and MFA candidate at the University of Minnesota. Their work is published in POETRY, Ploughshares, New England Review, and The Kenyon Review. She is a 2021 NEA Literature Fellow. Her debut collection Wound from the Mouth of a Wound was the winner of the Ballard Spahr Prize for…
Read More Amy Green
Amy Lynn Green is a lifelong lover of books, history, and library cards. She worked in publishing for six years before writing her first historical fiction novel. Green loves teaching virtual classes on marketing at writer’s conferences, engaging with book clubs, and regularly encouraging established and aspiring authors in their publication journeys. Her debut novel,…
Read More Molly Beth Griffin
Molly Beth Griffin is the author of several picture books including Ten Beautiful Things, Rhoda’s Rock Hunt, and The Big Leaf Leap, as well as the award-winning young adult novel Silhouette of a Sparrow. Griffin was the recipient of the 2014 McKnight Artist Fellowship in Children’s Literature along with two Minnesota Arts Board grants. Griffin…
Read More Roy Guzmán
Roy G. Guzmán was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and grew up in Miami, Florida. Their debut collection, Catrachos, is a 2020 finalist for the Minnesota Book Award in Poetry. Guzmán is a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts fellow and a 2017 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg poetry fellow. They are currently pursuing a…
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