Search Results

Laurie Allmann
Laurie Allmann is an essayist and poet whose writing is inspired by the natural world. Her work has found expression in public radio commentary...

Karen E. Cooper
Karen E. Cooper is the author of When Minnehaha Flowed with Whiskey: A Spirited History of the Falls. Cooper has discovered the rowdy, forgotten...

John Noltner
A gifted storyteller, John Noltner has worked on four continents, gathering stories of human courage, grace, and resilience. He has produced projects for national...

Emily Strasser
Emily Strasser’s first book, Half-Life of a Secret, is a deeply researched memoir that traces her journey to reckon with the toxic legacies of...

Teresa Wilhelm Waldof
Teresa Waldof is the world's leading expert on the Ames Project section of the Manhattan Project. Her book, Wilhelm's Way: The Inspiring Story of...

Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson, along with his daughter Ellie, wrote The Barrens, winner of the 2023 Minnesota Book Award for Novel and Short Story and a...

William Durbin
William Durbin lives on Lake Vermilion at the edge of Minnesota's Boundary Waters Wilderness. A winner of the Great Lakes Book Award and a...

Hampton Smith
Hampton Smith is an independent researcher and writer with a specialty in mid-19th century America and Minnesota History. He was a reference librarian for...
Joyce Sidman
Joyce Sidman’s books have won a Newbery Honor (Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night), a Sibert Award for Nonfiction (The Girl Who Drew Butterflies) and two Caldecott Honors. Her book What the Heart Knows was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. In 2013, she received the NCTE Award for Excellence…
Read More Jonathan Slaght
Jonathan C. Slaght is the Russia & Northeast Asia Coordinator for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). He manages research projects involving endangered species such as Blakiston’s fish owls and Amur tigers, and coordinates WCS avian conservation activities along the East Asia-Australasian Flyway from the Russian Arctic to the mudflats of Southeast Asia. Slaght’s first book,…
Read More Hampton Smith
Hampton Smith is an independent researcher and writer with a specialty in mid-19th century America and Minnesota History. He was a reference librarian for the Minnesota Historical Society from 1983 to 2015.
Read More Maureen Millea Smith
Maureen Millea Smith is a librarian at the Hennepin County Edina Library. She received her Master of Arts in Library and Information Science from the University of Iowa and an MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Wyoming in English Literature. Her novel, When Charlotte Comes Home,…
Read More Barbara W. Sommer
Barbara W. Sommer, M.A., owner of BWS Associates, has over 40 years of experience in the oral history field. She has been principal investigator and director of more than 30 major community oral history projects and has taught oral history in post-secondary and community settings. She has been a presenter at state, national, and international…
Read More Emily Strasser
Emily Strasser’s first book, Half-Life of a Secret, is a deeply researched memoir that traces her journey to reckon with the toxic legacies of her grandfather’s work building nuclear weapons in the atomic city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Strasser’s work has appeared in Catapult, Ploughshares, Guernica, Colorado Review, The Bitter Southerner, Bulletin of the Atomic…
Read More Lauren Stringer
Lauren Stringer creates paintings, drawings, and books in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her first illustrated picture book, Mud, won an IRA Children’s Choice Award, Crayola Kids Best Book of the Year Award, and was declared a “Flying Starts” by Publisher’s Weekly. Since Mud, Stringer has written and illustrated many celebrated picture books. Her book When Stravinsky Met…
Read More Lori Sturdevant
Lori Sturdevant retired in January 2019 after 43 years at the Star Tribune, 26 of them as an editorial writer and weekly columnist covering state politics and government. A native of South Dakota, Sturdevant is a graduate of Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and a member of that institution’s Board of Trustees. She has…
Read More Barton Sutter
Bart Sutter is the only writer to win the Minnesota Book Award in three different categories: poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Among other honors, he has won a Bush Foundation Fellowship, a Jerome Foundation Travel & Study Grant (Sweden), a Loft-McKnight Award, and the Bassine Citation from the Academy of American Poets. In 2006, he…
Read More Andrea Swensson
Andrea Swensson is an author, podcast host, and music journalist in Minneapolis. She hosts the Official Prince Podcast in collaboration with The Prince Estate and has contributed music journalism to numerous publications including NPR Music, Pitchfork, Star Tribune, City Pages, and The Current, where she previously hosted The Local Show. Her first book, Got to…
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