Poetry writers from Minnesota.

Torrin Greathouse
torrin a. greathouse is a transgender cripple-punk, and MFA candidate at the University of Minnesota. Their work is published in POETRY, Ploughshares, New England Review, and The Kenyon Review. She is a 2021 NEA Literature Fellow. Her debut collection Wound from the Mouth of a Wound was the winner of the Ballard Spahr Prize for…

Alan Perry
Alan Perry is a Minnesota poet and editor. His debut chapbook, Clerk of the Dead, was a finalist and honorable mention in the Cathy Smith Bowers Poetry Competition. He is a founder and Co-Managing Editor of the online journal RockPaperPoem, a Senior Poetry Editor for Typehouse magazine, and a Best of the Net nominee. His…

Su Hwang
Su Hwang is a poet, activist, stargazer, and the author of Bodega, which received the 2020 Minnesota Book Award in poetry and was named a finalist for the 2021 Kate Tufts Discovery Award. Born in Seoul, Korea, she was raised in New York then called the Bay Area home before transplanting to the Midwest, where…

D. Allen
D. Allen is a queer and genderqueer poet and multidisciplinary artist living in Minneapolis. They completed an MFA in Poetry at the University of Minnesota in 2017 and were a 2019-20 Jerome Hill Artist Fellow. They have received a 2019 20% Theatre Company Q-STAGE: New Works Fellowship, a Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative grant,…

Patrick Cabello Hansel
Patrick Cabello Hansel is the author of the poetry collections The Devouring Land, Quitting Time, and the forthcoming Breathing in Minneapolis. He has published poems and prose in over 85 journals, including Crannog, Ilanot Review, Hawai’i Pacific Review, and Lunch Ticket, and won awards from the Loft Literary Center and Minnesota State Arts Board. His…

Maryann Corbett
Maryann Corbett is the author of six full-length collections of poetry. She is a past winner of the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize and the Richard Wilbur Award and a past finalist for the Morton Marr Prize, the Able Muse Book Prize, and the Nemerov Sonnet Award. Her work appears on the Poetry Foundation website and…

Tracy Youngblom
Tracy Youngblom has been living and writing in the Twin Cities for 30 years. She earned an M.A. in English from the University of St. Thomas and an MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College. She has published widely in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; individual poems, stories, and essays have appeared in journals such as…

Gene Stark
Gene Stark writes fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, poetry, and has written a children’s book. His writing is local, rural, and outdoors-oriented. Minnesota and local interest predominate his writing. Stark’s audience is comprised of the folks who live and work in Flyover Country. He has been a teacher, farmer, and a grower and propagator of native…

Carol Masters
Carol Masters is the author of Dear Descendent, poems; the biography You Can’t Do That: Mary Davidov, Nonviolent Revolutionary (finalist for the 2010 Midwest Independent Publishers Award), and The Peace Terrorist, short stories (1994 winner of MN Voices Project). She has been part of a Loft Mentor series and a Loft-McKnight winner. Her poems and…

Barton Sutter
Bart Sutter is the only writer to win the Minnesota Book Award in three different categories: poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Among other honors, he has won a Bush Foundation Fellowship, a Jerome Foundation Travel & Study Grant (Sweden), a Loft-McKnight Award, and the Bassine Citation from the Academy of American Poets. In 2006, he…